Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sonic Racing -iOS Review

Its finally here : Sonic Racing. We've seen videos swarming all over the Internet about this and it's now currently available for purchase on Apple's App store. I've just bought the game myself and am, overall, pretty pleased at my $2.00 (sale) investment. Although it's not perfect I still enjoy the game very much, especially playing the multi-player function with my brothers, who currently own iPod touches . Well let's cut to the chase.

The good : Sonic Racing is very fun and intuitive,and in my opinion, on my iPad 2, it's graphics are really good. The game has many exciting tracks that just might get the best of you , the first time around if you don't keep a sharp eye out, and a very broad selection of popular Sega characters, such as Sonic, of course , Aiai, and Billy Hatcher, to name a few.

 At the beginning of the game it gives you a handful of characters and race courses that you can race on until you purchase more from the in-game store using your Sega miles, that you collect after each race. The controls on Sonic Racing have absolutely no learning curve at all if you are in the least bit familiar with iOS devices, I.e. iPhones, iPod touches, or iPads . I had a blast racing and if you need to practice before you get up and race there is a test drive mode that you can take advantage of.

On the other hand, if you have more than one person using your iDevice to play the same game you can create different licenses to keep all  of your game progress in line. Game modes are a plenty in Sonic Racing there are: single player modes that involve : Grand Prix mode, a mode where you race in 4 consecutive races ,single race, a mode where you race by yourself, Time trial, a mode where you try to beat, either your previous times or the times they have set for you, and last but not least missions,where you complete pre described missions that they assign you. P.S. I haven't looked into this mode yet ,really, but I'm sure it's great.

The Bad : there's not much and about this particular app, but, like everything, it has it's pros and cons. Senior editor Jaden Warren complains that there are no customization options at all for any of the courses , cars, or appearances of the characters, which is sort of a bummer. Boost controls are also on the tacky side, having to drift to rack up your boost, is kinda annoying and I rather collect boost power-ups than drift, to me it just feels as if the boost part was kind of a last minute thing.Another thing is that the Navigation of the game isn't great and at times can be really confusing. In closing, the game can get a little boring after a while if you're not constantly unlocking or purchasing things on the in game store, but I guess that is just how life is.

We here at Mac Republic will give it a 4.4 rating ,but we'll leave the ultimate decision to you, the consumers.