Monday, September 10, 2012

iOS 6 Incoming!

Ok, so everyone has been talking about this upcoming "iPhone 5" for over a year now, and is so excited about it coming out, myself included, right? Well, along with all this fanfare, lots of people are forgetting a very crucial, and although not as equalling exciting, part of the IPhone infrastructure : iOS 6!

At WWDC 2012, in California this past Summer, I was really excited to see what Apple had in store with iOS 6. Sadly I was genuinely disappointed with what I saw. In my opinion iOS 5 was and probably will be the biggest update to iOS followed by iOS 4 and then iOS 6. See the decline, while Android continues at a steady incline in features and UI attractiveness?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

New Section : User Reviews !

Us folks here MacRepublic have met, and have decided to offer you, the consumer, and even more immersing experience into the MacRepublic Community. Starting today we will be offering a service called "User Reviews". The "User Review" service is a utility that allows you  to send us post/Reviews on just about anything Apple/Tech-related and share it with the rest of the community. So go ahead, start writing! We can`t wait to hear from you. Be sure to send your finished work to so we can proof and post it!

the MacRepublic team.

iPhone 5 Release and Pre-Order Prep

As you all know, the iPhone 5 will be announced this Wednesday (September 12th) and that there is a lot of hype built around the new device from Apple. I am one of those stuck in the hype. I pre-order all my Apple products as soon as pre-orders open. I've done this with my 64 GB iPhone 4S and my 64 GB new iPad. Pre-ordering Apple products is one of my favorite things to do. Last year,

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Real-life Assasin's Creed Pakour!

I believe many games can be inspiring, in the way that they're voiced, visuals, and strategy. But Ronnie Shalvis has taking his inspiration of the Assasin's Creed franchise and made it reality. Below is a video of some amazing Parkour taken straight from the videogame ; flips, drops, and all. It's pretty amazing what he has done with his talent. Enjoy and share!


Monday, September 3, 2012

3 Things to do to Facebook with Google Chrome

Hey guys! Ok, so first off, I want to apologize for the large gap in posts. I think we almost called it quits last March, but I think I'm going to try and start us up again! I happen to know that we have a lot of views, not only on our Facebook page, but on our website still! As of today, September 3rd, we have had 11,000 views total! Man. Ok, well enough of the apologies, lets get to the good stuff!