Thursday, June 13, 2013

How To Download iOS 7 Without UDID Registration

Due to popular request, this is a how-to download iOS 7 on your iPhone or iPod touch! (iPads to come later) so let's get started!!

WARNING this WILL erase everything on your phone!! So BACK IT UP.
When beta 2 comes out you will have to downgrade to iOS 6 the upgrade to beta 2 using the same process or your phone will be "bricked"

1) Update iTunes on your computer to the newest software.
2) Go to and download the file for your specific device. YOU DO NOT NEED TO REGISTER YOUR PRODUCT WITH THEM
3) Open iTunes and restore your phone
4) Hold down shift (Microsoft) or control (Mac) and click "check for update"
5) Select the file you downloaded and wait
6) SET UP AS NEW IPHONE! This is the critical step. You do not want to open up the back up! It will lock your phone and render it useless.
7) Enjoy IOS 7(:

Follow me on Instagram for more iOS 7 pics follow me on Instagram @technomarshall
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