Sunday, September 25, 2011

Targus Slipcase Review

About two months ago I picked up a case for my iPad2 at Fry's, and haven't put it down since. The case is called the Targus Crave Slipcase. The case is compatible with both iPads and is basically an amped up sleeve, with the functionality of a case, which is one of the reasons the title" Slipcase" is such a good name.

On the outside of the case is a weather-proof coating, to help you out in the those situations where you might just need some protection from the elements. Also, the inside is a soft lining, that is scratch-resistant, Yeah!

Both of exterior sides of the case have deep pockets that you can put your belongings in ,such as earbuds, or a charger. But, the really cool thing is that you can also tuck the handles in the pockets, for a more streamline look so they won't be in the way, (I personally thought this was a sweet feature.) Then finally on the front there is one last deep pocket, for anything else you might have/need to carry around with you. 5 out of 5 stars !

Check it Out !