Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Modern Combat 2 Review iOS

The Good:

"MC2 BP" is an incredible first person shooter!
The controls feel very natural and are very easy to pick up. There is also this really cool feature that I haven't seen in shooter gaming. and that is gyroscopic aiming, which is basically you aiming using the iPad.
Which I feel  is annoying but a very neat feature for anybody who has an interest In that sort of thing.  You can also personalize where the controls fall On the screen by dragging the icons into their desired position  to increase quickness of response and to make it more comfortable gaming.

There are a wide selection of guns available  in MC2 including the popular AK-47s and the RPG 7 which is a pleasure to use especially against armored cars and helicopters .

The game also has a brilliant multiplayer ,mode that allows you to play either Bluetooth , local wifi , or online gaming through Gameloft Live. As a first hand witness I absolutely love multiplayer ,mode with my brothers through  local wifi and Bluetooth . ( local Bluetooth only allows for 2 people.) it. Allows access to many of the in campaign  maps and all the in game guns.

The Bad:

I don't really like to dwell on the bad a lot on this game since I like it s much but it does have it's flaws , first of all it has been known to freeze on me at certain points and have the frames blur together , which is really annoying and forces you to restart from the last checkpoint. Also in multiplayer mode I've experienced this quite a few times to , without gyroscopic aiming , my aiming ability , the ability to move my POV from side to side just locks up so I either have to wait until somebody kills me or throw a grenade at a wall and hope it kills me so that I can respawn and get back in the fight.

One last thing I want to hone in on in is the ability to access  the grenade. That is about the only thing I have to complain about . In order to change grenades, from flash to bomb mode you either have to double tap the grenade icon or swipe across the icon which sometimes sets off a very vital grenade at the wrong time and could cause an untimely death if aimed at a wall and happens  to accidentally bounce back.

We  here at Mac Republic give it a 4.2 . But as always we'll leave the ultimate decision to you, the consumer, let us know what you think of the App in the comments below